Sub Seven v2.1.5
Lets talk about one the most famous hacking tool i.e Sub 7 . Well most of you wont be knowing that sub7 is Shutted Down due to its over usage and its mainly usage for Illegal Work. Sub7 , or SubSeven or Sub7Server , is the name of a popular backdoor program. Files
1. SubSeven.exe - is the file you open and use to control your server (VICTIM)
2. Server.exe - is the file you send to your victim to control him
3. EditServer.exe - is the file you will use to configure the server you chose to use (edit the server)
4. ICQMAPI.DLL - is not necessary to know about but it lets you use the ICQ functions with the client/server.
Steps :- How to properly configure a server using Edit Server :
1. Click "browse" and find the server.exe file you are going to edit (named server.exe in the local directory) then click "Read Current Settings"
2. StartUp Methods: you basically check one or MORE boxes to choose how the server will restart itself everytime the computer is booted. key name: the registry key name that will go with the startup method
3. Notification Options:
Victim Name: the name of your server that you want to come up in your ICQ notify, Enable ICQ notify to
UIN: is the ICQ number you want the notify to go to, Enable IRC
notify: will send a bot to the IRC server you specify and will notify you of the IP, port, password etc. Email notify seldom works, so lets not bover
- Check the box and set the port number you want the server to start on in the victim's pc, if you want a random port, then you click the checkbox underneath that.
- You can set a server password which will protect your victim from others who try to connection.
- You can protect the server port and password,
- and enable a bot that logs on whenever your vic connects to the internet.
- You can choose your server name that you want the server that's installed in your Windows directory to be named.
- Choose to melt the server after the install(deletes server after its double clicked but still installs into windows directory
- Configure an Error message to be displayed when the server is clicked so as to lead the victim away from thinking its a virus ;)
- Hint: Avoid Using this Binder, use an external oneinstead :) i would recommend Stan's Oblivion Joiner at [ ] or Blades "The Joiner". with it here..
4. Protect server : you can set a password so that if your server is found, the person cannot get it into the edit server to find out the embedded info inside it
5. Now you can either save the settings to the server you opened, overwriting the old settings, or you can save a new server with the settings you just provided, still retaining the old server as well.
6. You can also change the server icon by clicking the button in the top right corner :)
New Feature: under "Local Options - Advanced" section of the client theres a button "Test on Local Machine" which runs the server with special restrictions (accepts localhost connections only)
1) Connection:
- IP Scanner - Scans for IPs with an open port you specify
- Get PC Info - All PC info, including Disk Size, Space, User etc
- Get Home Info - Gets all Home Info the vic specifies for their Windows Registration ( not always availible)
- Server Options - Options pertaining to removing, changing port, updating server, etc.
- IP Notify - Adds a new notify method or changes the current method on the current server
2) Keys/Messages:
- Keyboard - Open Keylogger, get offline keys, disable keyb. etc
- Chat - Chat with the Victim
- Matrix - Chat with the vic matrix style (black & green design)
- Message Manager - Sends a popup message to the vic
- Spy - ICQ, AIM, MSN, YAHOO Instant Messenger Spies
- ICQ Takeover - displays all installed UINs on the pc, and u can take each one over at the click of a button
3) Advanced:
- FTP/HTTP - turns the vic into an FTP server, ready for files to be downloaded via ur FTP client or browser
- Find Files - searches for a specified file type or file in the vics pc
- Passwords - retrieves Cached, Recorded, RAS, and ICQ/AIM Passes
- RegEdit - Opens the vics Registry so u can fuck with it >:)
- App Redirect - Lets you run a DOS command on the vic and shows you the output
- Port Redirect - adds an open port to the vic so you can "bounce" from it using the vics host as your own, E.G.: proxy type of contraption via IRC
- File Manager - Upload, Download, Run, and do alotta other cool shit via this client
- Windows Manager - Displays open windows which you can close, disable, etc.
- Process Manager - Shows all processes you can kill, disable, prioritize etc.
- Text-2-Speech - Messes with the Text2Speech engine on the vics pc, you type, it talks
- Clipboard Manager - View, change, empty the vics clipboard
- IRC Bot - Connects an IRC bot from the vic to an IRC server of choice
5) Fun Manager:
- Desktop/Webcam - Views Webcam continuous capture, a desktop continuous preview and full screen capture
- Flip Screen - Flips victims screen upside down, and sideways
- Print - Prints on victims screen
- Browser - Opens victims browser with the webpage you specify
- Resolution - Changes victims pc resolution
- Win Colors - Changes the victims computer colors
6) Extra Fun:
- Screen Saver - Changes the Vics Screensaver
- Restart Win - Shuts down, reboots, or logs off the victim
- Mouse - Set Mouse trails, reverse buttons, hide curson etc
- Sound - Record from vics mic, change volume settings
- Time/Date - Changes system time
- Extra - A whole buncha extra shit like hide desktop, hide start button, hide taskbar, open cd-rom etc.
7) Local Options:
- Quality - Adjusts the quality of the Webcam/ Desktop
- Local Folder - Changes the Sub7 Local Folder
- Skins - Skin manager for Sub7
- Misc Options - Misc shit like toggling animation of windows etc
- Advanced - Messes with ports used for some Sub7 Functions Dont bother messing around
- Run EditServer - Hmm..i wonder what this does...
You can also use Binder to make its virus created file undetectable from antivirus
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